****THANKS TO OUR AMAZING CUSTOMERS We are officially SOLD OUT of the 2024 Essentials Blend and were able to raise $1000 for Girls on the Run! We will re-release in Spring of 2025 - so stay tuned ****
Italian Roast, Ground Organic Coffee with Essential Amino Acids, L-theanine, Cinnamon Bark, Vitamin B12 and Organic Vanilla
Get ready to soak up the sun while you sip on this French vanilla coffee - designed to taste great brewed hot or refreshingly cold! We created this Italian roast (dark) coffee blend with ingredients that not only taste great, but provide sustained energy, a balanced mindset, and a solid foundation for ESSENTIALLY any goal you have this season.
The ESSENTIAL BLEND is part of Smart Owl Coffee's GIVE-A-HOOT Program, designed to provide a portion of coffee sales as donations to rotating selected charity projects in our community.
For 2024, Smart Owl will donate $2 from the sale of each bag of this blend to GIRLS on the RUN Central IL.
Our mission in this partnership is to help inspire girls to be joyful, healthy, and confident and to advance the GOTR vision of a world where every girl knows her limitless potential and is freely bold to pursue her dreams.
Learn more about ways that you can support GIRLS on the RUN


About the Beans:
100% arabica, direct trade, single-origin beans grown at a high elevation (approx 4,000 ft) in Nicaragua. The richly aromatic, full-bodied, Italian Dark Roast is perfect for this flavorful blend. Naturally processed. Medium caffeine level.

Tasting Notes:
The dark and toasty notes that are characteristic of an Italian roast pair masterfully with cinnamon, then soften with a delicate vanilla finish. Designed to taste great brewed hot or cold. Low Acidity.

Brew however you typically brew your coffee. We suggest using 1-2 tbsp (1/3-1/2oz) ground coffee per 8-10oz water. Adjust to your preference. Learn our favorite brew method here! (Because of the cinnamon and vanilla, some small clumping can occur and will not interfere with the resulting brew)

Supplement Information:
All of our supplements come from accredited sources and are third-party tested. All of our ingredients meet the "GRAS" guidelines set by the FDA, which deems them safe for human consumption.**
Visit our Ingredients Page to learn more about how each ingredient works its magic and see peer reviewed reference articles.
Ingredient | per 12oz bag |
L-Theanine | 1880mg |
Essential Amino Acid Blend | 750mg |
Cinnamon Bark | 3750mg |
Vitamin B12
900mcg |
Organic Vanilla | 13g |
There are approximately 24 servings per 12oz bag based on 1.5TBSP(0.5oz)serving size

L- Theanine is the main ingredient in all of our coffees due to its focus amplifying effects. This nootropic amino acid works synergistically with caffeine to counter the jitters and crash. It creates a calming, stabilizing effect on the brain and mood. Many studies support that combining theanine and caffeine improves cognitive performance and provides sustained energy.
Essential Amino Acids
Amino Acids are the building blocks of proteins and neurotransmitters. Essential Amino Acids are those that the body cannot produce on its own, so must be consumed. We are using a blend of 9 essential amino acids in a perfectly balanced ratio. These can help increase energy levels, build muscle and strength, boost metabolism and weight loss, improve appetite control, help regulate digestion, fortify connective tissue, and support immune function. Read our blog for a deep dive on the importance of Essential Aminos Acids for better health.
Cinnamon Bark
Cinnamon is a bark that tastes great in coffee and is loaded with antioxidants. This bark exhibits a couple of beneficial effects when consumed. The first is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. These properties are thought to aid in digestion and prevent indigestion and heartburn. Another advantage of using cinnamon with meals is its ability to control blood sugar levels. Some studies show that cinnamon consumption can lower blood sugar by over 20%.
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce. It, instead, must be consumed. It’s important for boosting your energy, improving your memory, and helping prevent heart disease. It supports the normal function of your nerve cells and is needed for red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. B12 deficiency is common, can take years to show up, and diagnosing it can be complex. Low levels of B12 have been linked to mood and brain disorders like depression and dementia. When vitamin B12 levels are too low, the production of red blood cells is altered. This can cause both anemia and low energy.
Smart Owl Coffees are

Check out our Ingredients Page to learn more about how each ingredient works it’s magic and to see peer reviewed reference articles.


Drink Smart. Think Smart.

* Always consult your health care provider before taking any supplements.
* For healthy adults, the FDA has cited four or five cups of coffee as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects.
* Pregnant or lactating women, people with existing medical conditions, or people taking medications should consult their health care provider/s before taking any dietary supplement. If you experience any adverse condition after taking any dietary supplement, discontinue use immediately and consult your healthcare provider.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.