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Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" label on bag. | Smart Owl Coffee
Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" front of bag. | Smart Owl Coffee
Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" back of bag. | Smart Owl Coffee
Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" with other Smart Owl Coffees. | Smart Owl Coffee
Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" product shot. | Smart Owl Coffee
Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" product shot. | Smart Owl Coffee
Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" product shot. | Smart Owl Coffee


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Too many wine refills over the holidays? Or, too many sit-ups from ambitious New Years resolutions?

The supplement line up in the ReCharge Coffee Blend is designed to help your body efficiently remove toxins. All while replenishing the vital nutrients that are lost as a result of... well... living life to its fullest.

We bet you didn’t think drinking coffee could offer the cure to your hangover headache. Discover a detox coffee for hangover symptoms that will leave you feeling refreshed and renewed.

So, whether you're a lush or a lightweight, whether you're just a busy person or hitting the gym hard, this coffee will make you feel charged and ready for whatever comes your way. In addition to possessing the focus amplifying and mood enhancing effects of our other blends, ReCharge, electrolyte/ coconut water coffee brings some amazing new components to your cup. 

If you love ReCharge, our coconut water coffee, learn about our Subscribe and Save 20% option.

Coffee Beans, Coffee origins, Smart Owl Coffee, supplement coffee, organic coffee, smart owl coffee, l-theanine

About the Beans: A blend of USDA organic arabica Nicaraguan and AA Indian robusta beans selected to produce a rich, punchy coffee with naturally higher caffeine content. Naturally Processed.

Tasting Notes, Coffee Beans, Coffee origins, Smart Owl Coffee, supplement coffee, organic coffee, smart owl coffee, l-theanine

Tasting Notes: This robust medium/dark roast is slightly smokey with an earthy finish and very slight coconut notes. Medium bodied and full of flavor, this coffee will lift you up and carry you through whatever your day throws at you.

Preparation, Coffee Beans, Coffee origins, Smart Owl Coffee, supplement coffee, organic coffee, smart owl coffee, l-theaninePreparation: Brew however you typically brew your coffee. We suggest using 1-2 tbsp (1/3-1/2oz) ground coffee per 8-10oz water. Adjust to your preference. Learn our favorite brew method here!
Supplement Info, Coffee Beans, Coffee origins, Smart Owl Coffee, supplement coffee, vitamin coffee, organic coffee, smart owl coffee, l-theanine
Supplement Information: All of our supplements come from accredited sources and are third party tested. All of our ingredients meet the "GRAS" guidelines set by the FDA, which deems them as safe for human consumption.** 

Check out our Ingredients Page to learn more about how each ingredient works its magic and to see peer reviewed reference articles. 
Ingredients Per 12 oz bag
L-Taurine 3700mg
Coconut Water Extract 3700mg
Milk Thistle 1800mg
Potassium Chloride 900mg
Vitamin B12 851mcg 

There are approximately 24 servings per 12oz bag of ReCharge coffee based on 1.5TBSP(0.5oz) serving size 

taurine, L-taurine, supplement coffee, organic coffee, vitamin coffee, smart owl coffee, coffee beans, ground coffee L-Taurine 

L-Taurine a naturally occurring amino acid derivative with antioxidant properties that plays vital roles in nearly every cell in the body. It is revered by some researchers as a “wonder molecule” because few supplements safely provide as many potential health and performance benefits. L-Taurine and caffeine perfectly complement each other in that they both improve physical and mental performance.

-Detoxification and Liver protection: The liver is a detoxification machine and L-Taurine promotes liver function by protecting it against free radicals and toxins AND by preventing (even reversing according to some studies) fatty liver damage. With regards to alcohol, it facilitates the breakdown of acetylaldehyde (a hangover producing by product of alcohol consumption), thereby reducing the unwanted after effects of, ahem... over indulgence;)


-Physical Performance: Boosts physical performance by helping the flow of glucose to the muscles and supports the growth of muscle mass. 


In animal studies, L-Taurine caused muscles to work harder and for longer and increased the muscles' ability to contract and produce force. It also reduced fatigue and muscle damage during a workout

-Central Nervous System and Brain Function: Increases glycine and GABA to sooth the brain (AKA ease anxiety). It also protects the brain by reducing the harmful effects of excess glutamate and other toxins.

-Cardiovascular: Reduces blood pressure and regulates the body’s calcium level, reducing the risk of arteriosclerosis and heart attack.

-Digestion: Forms bile salts, which play an important role in digestion. May improve blood sugar control and combat diabetes.


So like... literally every part of you benefits from this one which is why it is the "star" of this blend.

  1. Ripps H, Shen W. Review: taurine: a "very essential" amino acid. Mol Vis. 2012;18:2673-86. Epub 2012 Nov 12. PMID: 23170060; PMCID: PMC3501277.
  2. Devi SL, Viswanathan P, Anuradha CV. Taurine enhances the metabolism and detoxification of ethanol and prevents hepatic fibrosis in rats treated with iron and alcohol. Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. 2009 Jan;27(1):120-6. doi: 10.1016/j.etap.2008.09.004. Epub 2008 Sep 23. PMID: 21783929.
  3. Schuller-Levis GB, Park E. Taurine: new implications for an old amino acid. FEMS Microbiol Lett. 2003 Sep 26;226(2):195-202. doi: 10.1016/S0378-1097(03)00611-6. PMID: 14553911.
  4. Aruoma OI, Halliwell B, Hoey BM, Butler J. The antioxidant action of taurine, hypotaurine and their metabolic precursors. Biochem J. 1988 Nov 15;256(1):251-5. doi: 10.1042/bj2560251. PMID: 2851980; PMCID: PMC1135395.
  5. Franconi F, Loizzo A, Ghirlanda G, Seghieri G. Taurine supplementation and diabetes mellitus. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab Care. 2006 Jan;9(1):32-6. doi: 10.1097/01.mco.0000196141.65362.46. PMID: 16444816.
  6. Kim KS, Oh DH, Kim JY, et al. Taurine ameliorates hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia by reducing insulin resistance and leptin level in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima fatty (OLETF) rats with long-term diabetes. Exp Mol Med. 2012;44(11):665-673. doi:10.3858/emm.2012.44.11.075

smart owl coffee, infused coffee, organic coffee, supplement coffee, vitamin coffee, coconut water, electrolytesCoconut Water Extract

Coconut Water powder is loaded with several important nutrients, including minerals that most people don’t get enough of, including: Vitamin C, Magnesium, Manganese, Potassium, Sodium, and Calcium. Coconut water may be the perfect thing for restoring hydration and replenishing electrolytes lost during exercise, or dehydration from other means. Research has shown that coconut water contains antioxidants which modify free radicals so they no longer cause harm. It may benefit your heart, blood sugar, kidney health and more.

  1. Saat M, Singh R, Sirisinghe RG, Nawawi M. Rehydration after exercise with fresh young coconut water, carbohydrate-electrolyte beverage and plain water. J Physiol Anthropol Appl Human Sci. 2002 Mar;21(2):93-104. doi: 10.2114/jpa.21.93. PMID: 12056182.
  2. Santos JL, Bispo VS, Filho AB, Pinto IF, Dantas LS, Vasconcelos DF, Abreu FF, Melo DA, Matos IA, Freitas FP, Gomes OF, Medeiros MH, Matos HR. Evaluation of chemical constituents and antioxidant activity of coconut water (Cocus nucifera L.) and caffeic acid in cell culture. An Acad Bras Cienc. 2013;85(4):1235-47. doi: 10.1590/0001-37652013105312. Epub 2013 Sep 27. PMID: 24141413. 
  3. Loki AL, Rajamohan T. Hepatoprotective and antioxidant effect of tender coconut water on carbon tetrachloride induced liver injury in rats. Indian J Biochem Biophys. 2003 Oct;40(5):354-7. PMID: 22900330.
  4. Manna K, Khan A, Kr Das D, Bandhu Kesh S, Das U, Ghosh S, Sharma Dey R, Das Saha K, Chakraborty A, Chattopadhyay S, Dey S, Chattopadhyay D. Protective effect of coconut water concentrate and its active component shikimic acid against hydroperoxide mediated oxidative stress through suppression of NF-κB and activation of Nrf2 pathway. J Ethnopharmacol. 2014 Aug 8;155(1):132-46. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2014.04.046. Epub 2014 May 14. PMID: 24835026.

Milk Thistle, COFFEE, smart owl coffee, supplement coffee, infused coffee, vitamin coffee, organic coffeeMilk Thistle

The active ingredients in milk thistle are a group of plant compounds collectively known as silymarin  Silymarin extracted from milk thistle is known to have antioxidant, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Extensive research has shown that it has protective properties in the liver, brain, and bones. It reduced liver inflammation and damage in numerous studies involving both alcohol and non-alcohol induced liver disease. Milk Thistle has been used for over 2 thousand years as a traditional remedy for neurological conditions and it’s antioxidant effects are thought to be neuroprotective. Researchers believe that is may be helpful at preventing osteoporosis by stimulating bone mineralization and protecting against bone loss.

  1. Abenavoli L, Capasso R, Milic N, Capasso F. Milk thistle in liver diseases: past, present, future. Phytother Res. 2010 Oct;24(10):1423-32. doi: 10.1002/ptr.3207. PMID: 20564545.
  2. Devi KP, Malar DS, Braidy N, Nabavi SM, Nabavi SF. A Mini Review on the Chemistry and Neuroprotective Effects of Silymarin. Curr Drug Targets. 2017;18(13):1529-1536. doi: 10.2174/1389450117666161227125121. PMID: 28025940.
  3. Pérez-Hernández J, Zaldívar-Machorro VJ, Villanueva-Porras D, Vega-Ávila E, Chavarría A. A Potential Alternative against Neurodegenerative Diseases: Phytodrugs. Oxid Med Cell Longev. 2016;2016:8378613. doi: 10.1155/2016/8378613. Epub 2016 Jan 6. PMID: 26881043; PMCID: PMC4736801.
  4. Kim MS, Ong M, Qu X. Optimal management for alcoholic liver disease: Conventional medications, natural therapy or combination? World J Gastroenterol. 2016 Jan 7;22(1):8-23. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v22.i1.8. PMID: 26755857; PMCID: PMC4698510.
  5. Aller R, Izaola O, Gómez S, Tafur C, González G, Berroa E, Mora N, González JM, de Luis DA. Effect of silymarin plus vitamin E in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. A randomized clinical pilot study. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2015 Aug;19(16):3118-24. PMID: 26367736.
  6. Ferenci P, Dragosics B, Dittrich H, Frank H, Benda L, Lochs H, Meryn S, Base W, Schneider B. Randomized controlled trial of silymarin treatment in patients with cirrhosis of the liver. J Hepatol. 1989 Jul;9(1):105-13. doi: 10.1016/0168-8278(89)90083-4. PMID: 2671116.
  7. Kim JL, Kim YH, Kang MK, Gong JH, Han SJ, Kang YH. Antiosteoclastic activity of milk thistle extract after ovariectomy to suppress estrogen deficiency-induced osteoporosis. Biomed Res Int. 2013;2013:919374. doi: 10.1155/2013/919374. Epub 2013 May 28. PMID: 23781510; PMCID: PMC3678416.

potassium chloride, smart owl coffee, supplement coffee, vitamin coffee, infused coffee, organic coffee, coffee, ground coffee, electrolytesPotassium Chloride

Potassium is an electrolyte that helps your cells, kidneys, heart, muscles, and nerves work properly. It helps regulate fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve signals. Less than 2% of Americans meet the US recommendations for potassium either because of inadequate diet or deficiencies resulting from loss of water. To get more in your diet, consume foods, such as beet greens, spinach, kale, salmon, or Smart Owl Coffee ReCharge Blend. A high-potassium diet may help reduce blood pressure and water retention, protect against stroke and prevent osteoporosis and kidney stones.

  1. Aburto NJ, Hanson S, Gutierrez H, Hooper L, Elliott P, Cappuccio FP. Effect of increased potassium intake on cardiovascular risk factors and disease: systematic review and meta-analyses. BMJ. 2013 Apr 3;346:f1378. doi: 10.1136/bmj.f1378. PMID: 23558164; PMCID: PMC4816263.
  2. Cogswell ME, Zhang Z, Carriquiry AL, Gunn JP, Kuklina EV, Saydah SH, Yang Q, Moshfegh AJ. Sodium and potassium intakes among US adults: NHANES 2003-2008. Am J Clin Nutr. 2012 Sep;96(3):647-57. doi: 10.3945/ajcn.112.034413. Epub 2012 Aug 1. PMID: 22854410; PMCID: PMC3417219.
  3. Gallen IW, Rosa RM, Esparaz DY, Young JB, Robertson GL, Batlle D, Epstein FH, Landsberg L. On the mechanism of the effects of potassium restriction on blood pressure and renal sodium retention. Am J Kidney Dis. 1998 Jan;31(1):19-27. doi: 10.1053/ajkd.1998.v31.pm9428447. PMID: 9428447.

supplement coffee, infused coffee, organic coffee, supplement coffee, vitamin bVitamin B12

Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce so must be consumed. It’s important for boosting your energy, improving your memory, and helping prevent heart disease. It supports the normal function of your nerve cells and is needed for red blood cell formation and DNA synthesis. B12 deficiency is common, can take years to show up, and diagnosing it can be complex. Low levels of B12 have been linked to mood and brain disorders like depression and dementia. When vitamin B12 levels are too low, the production of red blood cells is altered, causing anemia and low energy.

    1. Almeida OP, Ford AH, Flicker L. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized placebo-controlled trials of folate and vitamin B12 for depression. Int Psychogeriatr. 2015 May;27(5):727-37. doi: 10.1017/S1041610215000046. Epub 2015 Feb 3. PMID: 25644193.
    2. Malouf R, Areosa Sastre A. Vitamin B12 for cognition. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2003;(3):CD004326. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD004326. Update in: Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2009;(1):CD004326. PMID: 12918012.
    3. Lindenbaum J, Healton EB, Savage DG, Brust JC, Garrett TJ, Podell ER, Marcell PD, Stabler SP, Allen RH. Neuropsychiatric disorders caused by cobalamin deficiency in the absence of anemia or macrocytosis. N Engl J Med. 1988 Jun 30;318(26):1720-8. doi: 10.1056/NEJM198806303182604. PMID: 3374544


 L- Theanine is the main ingredient in our Cognition Blend due to its focus amplifying effects. This nootropic amino acid works synergistically with caffeine to counter the jitters and crash and creates a calming, stabilizing effect on the brain and mood. L- theanine not only amplifies beneficial non-excitatory neurotransmitters, namely GABA, dopamine and serotonin, but also plays a role in immune regulation by beefing up your front line attackers against foreign invaders.

Smart Owl Coffees are

Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" beans. | Smart Owl Coffee
Sustainably and Ethically sourced, using USDA Certified Organic Specialty Coffee
Infused with ingredients that are scientifically researched to be safe and beneficial
Deliciously smooth and low acid


Obviously, our number one priority is for you to be healthy and happy! For this reason, Smart Owl Coffee offers a no questions asked, 100% moneyback guarantee on all of our coffees and products.
 Smart Owl Coffee, organic coffee, supplement coffee, vitamin coffee, coffee subscription, smart owl coffee subscription, theanine, caffeine, coffee


It is of utmost importance for us to assure that the products we provide are of excellent quality. We strive to provide coffees that are as safe as possible for our consumers, the farmers, and the environment. This is why we are so selective about our ingredient sourcing, accreditations, and third-party verifications to ensure sustainability, consistency, and exceptional products. See our rigorous Quality Control Efforts

Drink Smart. Think Smart.

Image of Smart Owl Coffees detox blend "ReCHARGE BLEND" with other Smart Owl Coffees lined up. | Smart Owl Coffee 


*Always consult your health care provider before taking any supplements.

*For healthy adults, the FDA has cited four or five cups of coffee as an amount not generally associated with dangerous, negative effects.

*Pregnant or lactating women, people with existing medical conditions, or people taking medications should consult their health care provider/s before taking any dietary supplement. If you experience any adverse condition after taking any dietary supplement, discontinue use immediately and consult your healthcare provider.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Customer Reviews

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Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews

Love this coffee and the added benefits!!

This Coffee Lives Up to Its Claim

I have had a chance to try a few of the blends by now and I have to saw that the whole line is fantastic. This one new addition is no exception. I got a sample bag which I used like this: I approximated that it had a full pot of coffee in the bag for my Bunn. I split the bag into three servings where I added the coffee to my dark roast (organic French roast from aldi). I used 4tbsp per pot of the recharge adding it to 6tbsp of the French roast. Inspecting these grounds, the aroma was earthy and very pleasant. The smell was what I expect of medium/dark roasted coffees. While it had some of the brightness that donut shop coffee usually possesses, it remained velvety smooth i think because the coconut water extract mellows it out a lot. It was very good. I know these coffees aren't necessarily intended to enhance the coffee I already use, it definitely does! This the flavors were excellent, I was sad when I ran out. I can't say I felt any physical charge from the coffee, but I do know that I did not lag as much through the day and I often want an afternoon nap, as a stay home dad of a toddler and infant. When I buy the full size bag, I'll be sure to try it alone, but for now, it did exactly what I want my coffee to do and more.

Recharge = Refresh

What do we look for in a cup of coffee? Is it the morning pick me up or the afternoon refill we need to get through the day? We weren’t sure what the Recharge blend was going to be like, but we have been pleased. The taste of the coffee is simple, medium flavored, and smooth in the mouth. Somewhat dark chocolate notes and little citrus flavor. Overall it has a silky mouth feel.

From a “recharge” standpoint, we feel it hits the nail on the head. With a 1 year old in the house and a hefty load of house projects we are in the middle of, this blend has given us a little more focus after the mid day slumps. It’s the extra pep in our step until our heads hit the bed. The great thing is, so far, it hasn’t kept me up at night like some coffees do when I have them in the afternoon.

This blend is a great addition to the Smart Owl family!

Amy Cosgriff
A go-to pick-me-up, for sure!

This blend is smooth and full-bodied at the same time. The first time I tried it, I had over-indulged in some holiday libations the evening before, and it really did re-charge me! I also like to brew it in the morning before work (I’m a teacher), and find it helps on long days of Zooming! All-around a great blend.

Try This!

Love this blend! It’s perfect for a morning pick-me-up and the added vitamins are a plus. It would also be a great gift! I plan on putting samples into care packages for friends. Definitely a great blend to add to your routine!